The Baylor colors are British Racing Green and Cyber Yellow. The Baylor team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK are given below.

Baylor Logo

What are Baylor Primary Colors?

The primary colors of the Baylor are given in the table below.

British Racing Green
Hex: #003016
RGB: (0, 48, 22)
CMYK: (100, 0, 54, 81)

Color Codes of Baylor in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameRGB Color CodeCMYK Color CodePantone Color CodeHEX Color Code
British Racing Green(0, 48, 22)(100, 0, 54, 81)PMS 3425 C#003016
Cyber Yellow(252, 205, 0)(0, 19, 100, 1)PMS 116 C#fccd00

What are Baylor Pantone Color Codes?

The Baylor Big 12 team Pantone color is PMS 3425 C for British Racing Green and PMS 116 C for Cyber Yellow. The Pantone color scheme of the Baylor is given in the table below.

The British Racing Green Pantone color of the Baylor is given below.

The Cyber Yellow Pantone color of the Baylor is given below.

Color Codes of Baylor as Pantone

Pantone Color Names for BaylorPantone Color Code for Baylor
British Racing GreenPMS 3425 C
Cyber YellowPMS 116 C

What are Baylor Color Codes HEX?

The Baylor color HEX code is #003016 for British Racing Green and #fccd00 for Cyber Yellow. The HEX color scheme of the Baylor is given in the table below.

The British Racing Green HEX color code for the Baylor team is given below.

The Cyber Yellow HEX colour code for the Baylor is given below.

See also  Kansas State Color Codes

Color Codes of Baylor as HEX

HEX Color Names for BaylorHEX Color Code for Baylor
British Racing Green#003016
Cyber Yellow#fccd00

What are Baylor Color Codes RGB?

The Baylor color RGB code is (0, 48, 22) for British Racing Green and (252, 205, 0) for Cyber Yellow. The RGB color scheme of the Baylor is given in the table below.

The British Racing Green RGB color code for the Baylor is given below.

The Cyber Yellow RGB colour code for the Baylor is given below.

Color Codes of Baylor as RGB

RGB Color Names for BaylorRGB Color Code for Baylor
British Racing Green(0, 48, 22)
Cyber Yellow(252, 205, 0)

What are Baylor Color Codes CMYK?

The Baylor color CMYK code is (100, 0, 54, 81) for British Racing Green and (0, 19, 100, 1) for Cyber Yellow. The CMYK color scheme of the Baylor is given in the table below.

The British Racing Green CMYK color code for the Baylor is given below.

The Cyber Yellow CMYK colour code for the Baylor is given below.

Color Codes of Baylor as CMYK

CMYK Color Names for BaylorCMYK Color Code for Baylor
British Racing Green(100, 0, 54, 81)
Cyber Yellow(0, 19, 100, 1)

What are Baylor Logo Colors?

The Baylor logo colors are British Racing Green and Cyber Yellow. The British Racing Green color code for the Baylor logo is Pantone: PMS 3425 C, Hex Color: #003016, RGB: (0, 48, 22), CMYK: (100, 0, 54, 81). The Cyber Yellow color code for the Baylor logo is Pantone: PMS 116 C, Hex Color: #fccd00, RGB: (252, 205, 0), CMYK: (0, 19, 100, 1).

See also  Texas Color Codes

Baylor Logo

The Baylor logo has British Racing Green color and Cyber Yellow colors.

Baylor Logo Color Palette Image Format

Baylor Color Palettes

The Baylor logo colors are given in an image format below.

Baylor Logo JPG

Baylor Logo JPG

The Baylor logo JPG format is given below.

To download the Baylor logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.

Baylor Logo PNG

Baylor Logo PNG

The Baylor logo PNG format is below.

To download the Baylor logo PNG format,

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