The Seton Hill Griffins colors are Sunlight Yellow, Ruby Red, and Black. The Seton Hill Griffins team colors in Hex, RGB, and CMYK are given below.

Seton Hill Griffins Logo PNG

What are Seton Hill Griffins Primary Colors?

The primary colors of the Seton Hill Griffins are given in the table below.

Sunlight Yellow
Hex: #ffdb7c
RGB: (255, 219, 124)
CMYK: (0, 14, 51, 0)

Ruby Red
Hex: #cd0f4f
RGB: (205, 15, 79)
CMYK: (0, 93, 61, 20)

Hex: #000000
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100)

Color Codes of Seton Hill Griffins in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color NameRGB Color CodeCMYK Color CodePantone Color CodeHEX Color Code
Sunlight Yellow(255, 219, 124)(0, 14, 51, 0)PMS 7403 C#ffdb7c
Ruby Red(205, 15, 79)(0, 93, 61, 20)PMS 1935 C#cd0f4f
Black(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 0, 100)PMS Black C#000000

What are Seton Hill Griffins Pantone Color Codes?

The Seton Hill Griffins Pantone colors are PMS 7403 C for Sunlight Yellow, PMS 1935 C for Ruby Red, and PMS Black C for Black.

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The Sunlight Yellow Pantone color of the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

PMS 7403 C

The Ruby Red Pantone color of the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

PMS 1935 C

The Black Pantone color of the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

PMS Black C

Color Codes of Seton Hill Griffins as Pantone

Pantone Color Names for Seton Hill GriffinsPantone Color Code for Seton Hill Griffins
Sunlight YellowPMS 7403 C
Ruby RedPMS 1935 C
BlackPMS Black C

What are Seton Hill Griffins Color Codes HEX?

The Seton Hill Griffins colors HEX codes are #ffdb7c for Sunlight Yellow, #cd0f4f for Ruby Red, and #000000 for Black.

The Sunlight Yellow HEX color code for the Seton Hill Griffins team is given below.


The Ruby Red HEX color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.


The Black HEX color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.


HEX Color Names for Seton Hill GriffinsHEX Color Code for Seton Hill Griffins
Sunlight Yellow#ffdb7c
Ruby Red#cd0f4f

What are Seton Hill Griffins Color Codes RGB?

The Seton Hill Griffins colors RGB codes are (255, 219, 124) for Sunlight Yellow, (205, 15, 79) for Ruby Red, and (0, 0, 0) for Black.

The Sunlight Yellow RGB color code for the Seton Hill Griffins team is given below.

(255, 219, 124)

The Ruby Red RGB color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

(205, 15, 79)

The Black RGB color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

See also  Cal State San Bernardino Coyotes Color Codes

(0, 0, 0)

RGB Color Names for Seton Hill GriffinsRGB Color Code for Seton Hill Griffins
Sunlight Yellow(255, 219, 124)
Ruby Red(205, 15, 79)
Black(0, 0, 0)

Seton Hill Griffins Color Codes CMYK

The Seton Hill Griffins colors CMYK codes are (0, 14, 51, 0) for Sunlight Yellow, (0, 93, 61, 20) for Ruby Red, and (0, 0, 0, 100) for Black.

The Sunlight Yellow CMYK color code for the Seton Hill Griffins team is given below.

(0, 14, 51, 0)

The Ruby Red CMYK color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

(0, 93, 61, 20)

The Black CMYK color code for the Seton Hill Griffins is given below.

(0, 0, 0, 100)

Color Codes of Seton Hill Griffins as CMYK

CMYK Color Names for Seton Hill GriffinsCMYK Color Code for Seton Hill Griffins
Sunlight Yellow(0, 14, 51, 0)
Ruby Red(0, 93, 61, 20)
Black(0, 0, 0, 100)

Seton Hill Griffins Logo Colors

The Seton Hill Griffins logo colors are Sunlight Yellow, Ruby Red, and Black. The Sunlight Yellow color code for the Seton Hill Griffins logo is Pantone: PMS 7403 C, Hex Color: #ffdb7c, RGB: (255, 219, 124), CMYK: (0, 14, 51, 0). The Ruby Red color code for the Seton Hill Griffins logo is Pantone: PMS 1935 C, Hex Color: #cd0f4f, RGB: (205, 15, 79), CMYK: (0, 93, 61, 20). The Black color code for the Seton Hill Griffins logo is Pantone: PMS Black C, Hex Color: #000000, RGB: (0, 0, 0), CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 100).

See also  West Virginia Wesleyan College Bobcats Color Codes

The Seton Hill Griffins logo has Sunlight Yellow, Ruby Red, and Black colors.

Seton Hill Griffins Logo Color Palette Image Format

The Seton Hill Griffins logo colors are given in an image format below.

Seton Hill Griffins Color Palettes

Seton Hill Griffins Logo JPG

The Seton Hill Griffins logo JPG format is given below.

Seton Hill Griffins Logo JPG

To download the Seton Hill Griffins logo JPG format, right-click and choose save.

Seton Hill Griffins Logo PNG

The Seton Hill Griffins logo PNG format is given below.

Seton Hill Griffins Logo PNG

To download the Seton Hill Griffins logo PNG format, right-click and choose save.

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